

These past few weeks, I’ve been hard at work writing the next full-length novel in the Sugar Maple Romance series. I spend so much time hunched over my laptop that I’ve decided to add another challenge to the mix. I’m going to challenge myself to complete the Dedicate: A 30 day Yoga Journey videos on YouTube starting this Saturday, March 16th.

This means that I’m going to be doing Yoga (to the best of my ability! Lol) every day for the next month. I’m not worried about doing the Yoga exercises since I only do what I’m comfortable with. My only fear is that I won’t even try if I have no accountability.

So here’s my idea. I’m going to post about my workout (and if I actually did it!) on my Twitter feed every day. If any of you would like to challenge yourself in anything (a daily walk, meditation, learning to cook, art, ANYTHING!) for the next 30 days, go to my Twitter account and post your own personal challenge.

Use the #checkedoffchallenge hashtag to share your personal challenge. Make sure to tweet using the hashtag every day that you complete it starting this Saturday. If you aren’t sure how to use Twitter and you would like to learn, you can check out this video or article. We can share our personal challenge journeys together and hold each other accountable! What do you say?

Even if you decide that right now isn’t the best time to do a personal challenge or if you don’t want to share it online, send me an email and let me know what your personal challenge would be. I’d love to hear it!
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