
Day 4: #CheckedOffChallenge

As you might have noticed, I did not post my usual blog yesterday. I DID do my #CheckedOffChallenge, though.

My #CheckedOffChallenge was done at 5 a.m. and I didn’t get back home until very late in the evening. I LOVED Day 4. It was an awesome workout and something I really needed. It was all about hips, etc. and just really wonderful overall. Such a nice way to wake up in the morning!

Something interesting that I noticed was that I was able to easily walk up hills and stairs without getting out of breath. Since I’d only returned to Yoga for about 4 days at that point, I don’t think I can say this was entirely due to yoga, BUT I feel like it has helped a lot!

My extra challenge is that I haven’t done my #CheckedOffChallenge today. I have about 4 hours to complete it so wish me luck!

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